Saturday, November 11, 2017

ACA 2018 Enrollment Off To Strong Start

Image result for aca 2018 enrollment
Despite the efforts of the Trump Administration to sabotage the Affordable Care Act by shortening the enrollment period from November 1-December 15, cutting the advertising budget  90% and cutting funding for the Navigator program from $62.4 million to 36.8 million, ACA enrollment during the first four days has soared.

According the federal and state officials, over 600,000 signed up for ACA coverage from November 1-4, far outpacing last year's signup rate.  200,000 people signed up on November 1, the first day open enrollment started. 

1 million people have visited the official federal government website, and that was a 33% increase in traffic on the site compared to 2016.

The 2017 ACA enrollment in November and December 2016 spiked upward in large part because Trump unexpectedly won the presidency and fears about the future of the landmark healthcare legislation signed into law by President Obama in 2010.

Nearly a quarter of the people signing up for 2018 ACA overage were first time enrollees, while the rest were renewing their coverage. 

While that is wonderful news to the people and organizations who support the Affordable Care Act and  who are working diligently to ensure that every American has affordable health coverage, that news is probably not sitting well with an administration that is trying to kill the ACA.   

We will also have to wait and see if the early rush of people to sign up for 2018 ACA plans actually translates to people being enrolled for 2018.   You are not considered enrolled until the first month's premium is paid after you select a plan.

Speaking of enrollment, the clock is inexorably ticking toward that December 15 deadline to sign up for 2018 ACA coverage.   There are organizations standing by to help you find a plan that fits you budget and gives you the coverage that you need, but you do need to make that happen as soon as possible.

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