Tuesday, August 29, 2017

5 Step Vegan Carrot Cake

Hey guys & welcome back!! Summer is almost over, at least for the ones who haven't started yet, like me. I only have one year left until college and I'm so excited to just get it overwith. However, I don't know how it works in other countries, but here in Spain Senior year is the hardest and most stressful of all...So wish me luck, because I will need it :(

Today's post is about a Carrot Cake recipe I made with my best friends yesterday. This past few days have felt like we were in October/November because of the rain and  we didn't have a lot to do, so we decided to bake. We made the "Kit Kat" Cake which I already wrote about a couple of months ago and this Carrot Cake I am telling you about today. The Carrot one was really good, however the icing we made turned out pretty bad, so I will just give you the recipe for the cake :) 

It is really easy to make and perfect for breakfast. So now that school is here, I definitely recommend you bake it Sunday night so that you have it for the rest of the school-week. Always remember that breakfast it the most important meal and with this delicious cake you won't be able to skip it, because even if you are on a hurry you, can always grab a piece of cake. 
So, without further ado, let's get stated with this three tier Carrot Cake...


  • 1 tablespoon of yeast
  • 450g wholemeal flour
  • 455g brown sugar
  • 450g carrot
  • 120g walnuts
  • 150ml water
  • 150ml orange fresh juice
  • 210ml olive oil
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
  1. First of all preheat the oven 180 ºC
  2. Grind the carrots and the walnuts
  3. Squeeze the oranges until you make 150 ml of orange juice
  4. Mix all the ingredients together and put the dough in the mold
  5. Bake for 50 min aprox (temperature: 180ºC)

So this is all there is for an easy,but delicious Carrot Cake. It just takes you five steps to have the perfect breakfast for the rest of the week. I definitely think this recipe is worth a try :) 
Hope you liked this post, I know this summer I haven't written a lot on the blog, but I have been really busy, I hope you guys forgive me. Have fun & Enjoy the rest of the summer!!


email: gemamate@gmail.com
Instagram: @gema.mate

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